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Busy, Busy

It’s been quite some time since I updated here. A lot has gone-on in the last few months!

Pepper is still the cutest damn dog ever! 🙂 I’m afraid we’ve been slacking a great deal on our training though. I find myself more and more just accepting some of her misdeeds. >_> <_<

She is a master counter-surfer. *sigh* I’m struggling now with finding a way to curb the behavior without actually rewarding it. It seems that the only thing she thinks is higher value than whatever is on the counter is play.

Unfortunately, within the last month or so, she has also developed dog aggression. 😦 She still gets along fine with her housemates, but not so much with strange dogs. So far, however, she is still behaves on lead and has not initiated anything. It seems it will be a “manageable” thing, but it does put a kink in some of my plans for her future training.

I have found a job! For the last month and a half I have been working as a Veterinary Assistant/Receptionist. I love it! But it’s keeping me very occupied and is the reason I’ve not updated a lot recently. I am hoping to get back to this soon.

Until then. . . 🙂